Posted tagged ‘Strength’

Just Do It

December 23, 2009

A weak man has doubts before a decision; a strong man has them afterwards.

~ Karl Kraus

I love this, mostly because it both reflects my approach to life and because it makes me feel better about my track record to date! 😛

At some point, you have to just make a decision.  Are you going to stay where you are, or are you going to take a risk?  You could sit and analyse the pros and cons forever.  The truth is, no matter what path you take, you will probably have doubts about it.  I think there is value to be found in the odd spot of well-calculated, conscious recklessness.

Life is for living!

A person can stand for the rest of his days facing one of the many doors he should go through, but he must understand that he has only truly lived up to that point. He may continue to breathe, walk, sleep and eat – but with less and less pleasure, because he is already spiritually dead and does not know it.

Until one day when, as well as his spiritual death, physical death appears; at that moment God will ask: “what did you do with your life?” We must all answer this question, and woe betide those who answer: “I remained standing at the door.”

~ Paulo Coelho