Archive for the ‘Letting Go’ category

What Could YOU Become?

November 28, 2009

The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.

~ Charles Du Bos

I love this quote.  We get so hung up on our precious little definition of ourselves – even if that definition is something we profess not to like.  “I’m depressed”, “I’m shy”, “I’m just not that kind of person”, “I would never bungee jump”, “I always procrastinate”… etcetera.  We create these labels for ourselves and then identify with them, and woe betide anyone or any experience that tries to take them away from us.

These labels come from all sorts of things – parents, teachers, past experiences, etc.  But one thing is for sure – they come from the past.  They come from who you have been or used to be or have at some point decided to be.  They are only true in the now because you keep clinging to them and using them to define yourself.  They will only be true in the future if you continue to choose them to be.

Or… you could let them go and allow yourself to grow into the person you might become.

I love this quote because to me it says: to move and grow, you have to be prepared to let go of all the labels you have clung to, all the little definitions you have for yourself.  Only then, in the space that you have created, may the person you could become have a chance to move in.

At any moment – in THIS moment – we must be willing to sacrifice the ways we have decided to identify ourselves… and see what steps in to take their place.  This is growth.

Persistent or Just Plain Stubborn?

June 11, 2009

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it.

~ W.C. Fields

I love this quote, not just because of its irreverent, no-nonsense nature, but also because it highlights an important distinction and a very tricky fine line.  How do you know when to keep pushing at something and when it is time to let something go?  It reminds me of another quote I read on a blog recently:

The Universe has only 3 answers to our wishes:

1. Yes!

2. Not yet!

3. I have something better for you!

~ Uli Feichtinger

I think the trick is knowing the difference between numbers 2 and 3.  How do we tell the difference between necessary obstacles and challenges on the path to our dream or goal, versus signs that we are on the wrong path or are aiming for the wrong goal?  When should we persevere and when should we give in to the flow of life and let go?

I think maybe Paulo Coelho had the best answer I’ve come across so far:

If your wish is deep-rooted in your soul, persist.  If not – the Universe is simply echoing your inner turmoil.

~ Paulo Coelho

In other words – in your heart of hearts, you will know whether this is an obstacle to be overcome or a sign to change track.  The trick is being able to be still enough to hear the answer you already contain.